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Tag Archives: Jacque Cousteau

Joshua trees

Often used by Hollywood, this bizarre looking member of the mostly subtropical agave family provides a striking silhouette standing tall with rigid arms extending in every direction against the orange Mojave Desert sky.

Named by 18th century Mormons after the biblical prophet Joshua, the plant also known as a yucca had special meaning for those wandering across the parched high desert in search of the Promised Lands. Its arms pointing towards heaven, as the story goes, confirmed that they were on course.

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Dr.Reese Halter, Los Angeles Global Elephant, Rhino, Lion March September 2014

The mighty oak is truly a remarkable tree. Oaks have sustained humans for more than six thousand years. Oaks have often been referred to as: generous, hospitable, scholarly, surveyors and long-lived.

From Vancouver to Caracas, from Miami to Dublin, from Lisbon to Jakarta and from Seoul to Tokyo there are about 425 species of oaks. Their lineage dates back some 65 million years. They are genetically rich and an incredibly flexible genus surviving geologic upheavals and many climate changes.

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Operation Apex Harmony Sea Shepherd Australia -- Earth Dr Reese Halter

Help protect sharks by supporting Operation Apex Harmony. Photo credit: Sea Shepherd Australia

Story ran in Huffington Post August 26, 2014

Each year, looting Earth’s forests, its animals, waterways, wetlands, coral reefs and its oceans account for $400 billion in commerce.

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter in another segment of SOS from Los Angeles as he shows us the gruesome global ecocide rampage.

This ecocide rampage is run by organized crime and, in part, fueled by Big Oil subsidies in excess of $1.9 trillion annually.

About 1.1 billion people, or 15 percent of the human race, depends upon killing our living planet for their daily livelihood. This also includes enslaving millions of children.

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Story ran on Malibu Times blog February 8, 2013

The first milk or colostrum produced by a mammal for its offspring is crucial for its survival. Moreover, cow or bovine colostrum offers a potent remedy to millions afflicted with diseases and cancers.

Mammals evolved to breastfeed their young. Breastfeeding for humans is natural and critical to ensure essential nutrients, antibodies and immune system enhancers necessary for a healthy life.

Children who are breastfed have higher IQs and less neurological dysfunctions compared to children who are not breast-fed.

Infants who are breastfed are one-fifth to one-third less likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome.

And the more breast milk an infant receives during the first six months of their life, the less likely they will suffer from the two most common and troublesome childhood disorders: diarrhea and/or ear infections.

Mother’s who breastfeed have significantly lower rates of developing breast-, ovarian-, and endometrial-cancers and osteoporosis.

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From the August 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine © Paul Nicklen/National Geographic

The breathtaking high mountains and steep mountainsides that form deep valleys and fjords along British Columbia’s central and northern coastlines are home to some remarkable animal including: wolves, Sitka deer, killer and humpback whales, tens of millions of salmon, grizzly bears and Canada’s rarest bear the white Kermode or spirit bear.

The spirit bear or as the First Peoples call them the “ghost bear” is a rare color phase that results from two mating black bears that each carry the same recessive gene. I have seen some black bear litters with both black and white (sometimes cream-colored) cubs. Only the cubs that receive the recessive gene from each parent develop the white or cream fur.

About 900 spirit bears are only found in two populations on the globe, both are along coastal British Columbia stretching from about Rivers Inlet to Stewart. One population is mainland-based in the Terrace-Nass-Hazelton area. The other is found between Royal-Roderick, Pooley and Gribell Islands.

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Heat from the sun, reflected off a field of heliostats (or mirrors) is concentrated onto a central receiver point to create the steam at these supercritical levels. This phenomenal achievement is likened to breaking the sound barrier. It is so impressive, its possible implications for solar thermal technology is revolutionary. Photo credit:

Story ran in Huffington Post July 23, 2014

Australia’s household solar revolution has caught the government-owned electricity sector by surprise.

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter from Los Angeles in another SOS segment as he tells how Australian homeowner are fighting back against climate disruption.

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Story ran on Malibu Times Blog March 1, 2013

An Australian interviewer recently asked me, “of all the people throughout history, who would you like to spend time with?” Here’s my answer:

Leonardo da Vinci, born in the middle of the 15th century, was the founder of modern science and an interpreter between nature and humans.

He sought to understand the nature of life two centuries before the microscope was invented. He believed the earth was a living, self-organizing and self-regulating system.

Leonardo had exceptional powers of observation and a powerful visual memory. And his “sublime left hand” (as his friend and mathematician Luca Pacioli, called it) drew in excess of 100,000 drawings in more than 13,000 pages. Some 6,000 pages were preserved as manuscripts that are now in libraries and private collections. Others were preserved in larger forms known as codices, and are held by the British Royal family and Bill and Melinda Gates.

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Giant Squid filmed in Pacific, January 8, 2013

Giant squids measuring in excess of 60 feet and weighing a whopping 1,275 pounds are the most mysterious and the least known gigantic critter on Earth.

Cephalopods – from the Greek “head-footed” – have at least eight arms, and this includes all octopuses; cuttlefishes and squids have two additional tentacles that they can shoot out to capture prey. Chambered nautilus – the most primitive of all living Cephalopods have as many as 90 arms.

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Australia's Coalition government lead by Prime Minister Tony Abbott has green-lighted the Carmichael coal mine, which each year will squander, in a highly drought prone region of Queensland, a whopping 3 billion gallons of fresh water from the Great Artesian Basin. Meanwhile, Environment Minister Greg Hunt refuses to address the life-ending noise pollution caused from the coal port development at Abbot Point, which continues to kill the Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef on the globe. Photo credit

Story ran in Huffington Post August 11, 2014

Each year, the lion’s share of mercury poison comes from burning more than 8.3 billion tons of coal to provide energy for electricity grids.

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter from Los Angeles in another segment of SOS as he tells us about our oceans brimming with mercury poisoning.

This work comes on the heels of research earlier this spring that found there’s so much toxic Asian air pollution from burning coal, it’s now changing global weather patterns.

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Story ran on Huffington Post September 13, 2012

Imagine the most perfect tree on Earth: one that out does all others in magnificence, size, height, productivity, architecture, ability to draw thousands of gallons of water, yet marvelously resist drought, fire, insects, disease, mudslides, flooding, wind; and they possess exquisite biodiversity in their crowns. Then, and only then, as John Muir put it, “you’d know the king of their race” – the immortal Sequoia sempervirens, otherwise know as the coastal redwood.

Coastal redwoods direct lineage can be traced back to 144 million years ago to the beginning of the Cretaceous period. At the time when Tyrannosaurus rex was beginning to rule for over 40 million years as no reptile nor animal has ever achieved since. Redwoods belong to the plant group known as Taxodaciae and they were the most widespread of all conifers inhabiting planet Earth.

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